Dynamic Random-Access Memory (DRAM) IC is a type of semiconductor memory that is commonly used in computing devices as the primary system memory (main memory). It is a volatile memory technology, which means that it stores data temporarily while the power is supplied to the device. When the power is turned off or interrupted, the data stored in DRAM IC is lost. ...
Dynamic Random-Access Memory (DRAM) IC is a type of semiconductor memory that is commonly used in computing devices as the primary system memory (main memory). It is a volatile memory technology, which means that it stores data temporarily while the power is supplied to the device. When the power is turned off or interrupted, the data stored in DRAM IC is lost.
DRAM IC is a critical component of modern computing systems, providing fast and high-capacity volatile memory for temporary data storage and manipulation. Its dynamic nature necessitates periodic refreshing to retain data, making it an integral part of computer memory hierarchies.
For more high speed and density, DDR (Double Data Rate) Synchronous DRAM IC is a popular and mainstream variant used in modern computers. It offers high data transfer rates and improved performance compared to earlier generations of DRAM IC. View less
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